Sunday 5 August 2012

Direction of our Design

For our first group discussion we are trying to decide our style. We discussed about the map. Steven came up with interactive maps such as magnetic map, pop up map and monopoly map. But is it suitable for marketing?

Interactive game-like info graphic (Image taken from Good News)

The shape of Zoo Negara has pointy edges instead of curvy lines. It is quite distracting. The maps we usually see are in organic shapes, hence we wanted to change the shape of Zoo Negara's map curvier.

After that we talked about logo design. We decided to use the original logo from zoo negara while the icons should be inspired by it's strokes and curvy dynamic shape.

We watched a video from YouTube about airport way finding. The video let us know some common knowledge about way finding in airport and it's difficulty.

Steven had an idea of using animal's footprint as a guide in zoo to different animals and I had found a the same idea being used. The idea might be used often. In addition, not every animal have their footprint standardized.

Footprints concept by Danielle Quast Tostes - Nayelianne

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